🌟 Web & Content Management: Tailoring Your Digital Space

As your web and content manager, I bring a creative touch and technical know-how to website design. My ability lies in skillfully using and adapting templates across platforms like Wix, WordPress, or Hugo (for static sites), to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites.

  • Template Transformation: I’ll take a template and turn it into a masterpiece that perfectly reflects your brand.

  • Content Development and Photography: Beyond just layout and design, I can assist in crafting compelling website content and sourcing the right imagery. If needed, I can even capture original photographs to add a unique, personal touch to your site.

  • Website Updates and Blogging: The digital world is dynamic, and so is your website’s content. From updating web pages to business blogging, I ensure your site stays fresh, relevant, and engaging for your audience.

Example sites I’ve deployed and manage:
Rushmon Homes (a Wix Editor X site)
Silbury Finance (a Wix Editor X site)
Intertype Studio (a Wordpress site)

WhatsApp jude@echo3.co